AQUA-B100 - Aqua Blend Multi Media Pack - VAN NUYS WATER
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AQUA-B100 - Aqua Blend Multi Media Pack

Aqua Blend Multi Media Pack

Mixed Media for re-bedding multi media filters 1 Cubic Foot Ft3) box UPS Packaging

Handy Tool - Media Funnel


Retail Price : $148.01
Our Low Price : $109.64

Multi-blended Media packages provide the proper mix for many filter applications. No longer will you have the waste of time and effort that it takes to get the proper minerals and mix them together. Aqua Blend combines Filter Ag, Birm, Calcite, and Corosex and is the standard media in our Terminator Plus Systems.

Filter AG

Filter Ag is a very efficient filter medium for the removal of suspended material and turbidity. Less pressure loss and finer filtration is possible because of its light weight and irregular surface characteristics.

Filter Ag granules have irregular surface characteristics affording maximum removal of suspended matter throughout the filter bed. Filter-Ag can be applied to systems designed for either pressure or gravity flow.

Filter-Ag has many outstanding advantages over the more common granular filter media used for suspended solids removal. A substantial savings can be realized with Filter Ag because equipment can be smaller, requiring less square footage. Filter-Ag is a lightweight substance which means additional savings in backwash rates. Filter-Ag typically removes the normal suspended solids, down to 20-40 micron range.


Birm is an efficient and economical method of removing dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. It may be used in either gravity fed or pressurized water treatment systems. Birm acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen D.O. and the iron compounds. In ground waters, the dissolved iron is usually in the ferris bicarbonate state due to an excess of free carbon dioxide and is not filterable. Birm, acting as a catalyst between the oxygen and the soluble iron compounds, enhances the oxidation reaction of Fe++ to Fe+++ and produces ferric hydroxide which precipitates and my be easily filtered. The physical characteristics of Birm provide an excellent filter media which is easily cleaned by backwashing to remove the precipitant. Birm in not consumed in the iron removal and therefore offers a tremendous economic advantage over many other iron removal methods.

Birm may also be used for manganese removal with the same dependability as iron removal. In these applications the water to be treated should have a pH of 8.0 to 9.0 for the best results. If the water also contains iron, the pH should be below 8.5 High pH conditions may cause the formation of colloidal iron which is very difficult to filter out. All other conditions remain the same for either manganese or iron removal. 


Acidic waters on contact with Calcite slowly dissolve the calcium carbonate media to raise the pH which reduces the potential leaching of copper, lead and other metals found in typical plumbing systems. Periodic backwashing will prevent packing and maintain high service rates. Depending on pH and service flow, the Calcite bed will have to be periodically added to as the dissolved calcite depletes.

As the Calcite's calcium carbonate neutralizes the water, it will increase hardness and a softener may become necessary after neutralizing filter. 


Corosex can be mixed with Calcite to treat waters as low as 4.0Ph. Upflow filters are recommended unless the water is under 5 grains hard. A minimum of 50% Calcite is recommended to prevent cementing. 

By neutralizing the free carbon dioxide in water, Corosex can correct red water conditions and render it to a non-corrosive condition. Corosex, being a reactive magnesium oxide, is used most effectively where pH correction is substantial or high flow conditions are in use. Corosex, being soluble to acidity, will have to be replenished periodically. Please note, under certain low flow conditions, Corosex may overcorrect and create a basic condition.

Corosex can be effectively combined with Calcite to combine the high flow neutralization properties of Corosex, along with the slower reacting low flow properties of Calcite reducing potentially high basic properties due to overcorrection.

Related Categories

  • Commercial and Residential Water Purification Products
  • Water Filtration Media
  • Blended Media
  • AQUA-B100 - Aqua Blend Multi Media Pack

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